Welcome to my Black Sheep Blog. Eventually – I will also begin a Podcast here.
Why do I call this the Black Sheep blog?
When I was young — I was the considered the black sheep of the family. While my sister was the good girl who never got in any trouble or did anything bad. And — I am younger than her. Yet — here we are — many years later — and — I am the one that turned out fairly normal and seem to be the rational one acting like the older brother. Life has a way of playing these sorts of tricks on us. Well — I do not think I’m alone here — so — this blog is for all those so called “black sheep” out there.
Why did I create this blog?
I think this blog is important for a couple of reasons. First — we can all use a good laugh — especially if we can relate to it. Second — maybe it helps a brother and sister realize what’s going on in their relationship — and that loving each other even through the craziness is most important. Third – perhaps others will realize what I have – which is – it doesn’t have to be that way. Fourth – if you have a sister, a family member, a friend, or co-worker who is constantly playing the martyr – perhaps you will see some ways to try to help that person break that cycle. Lastly – God knows I have made some bad decisions along the way – but one thing is for sure – I’m still standing and I’ve learned so much along the way.